Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Raffle to raise money for Autism Intervention

For every $25 dollars you donate, you receive one raffle ticket. For example, if you donate $100, you get 4 raffle tickets.  When you donate, you are asked to provide information such as your address, telephone number, and email address. This information is emailed to me automatically. I will use this information to send you your tickets in the mail.  Don't worry if you can't attend, because even though the drawing will take place at the Autism Walk, if a number is drawn for a participant who is not present, the item/s will be shipped to their address.
The raffle will take place while the event is coming to a close. During the event however, please visit our table for snacks, refreshments, free gifts, and information about our services. If you have any questions about the raffle, please email me at or call 508 232 7555. Please know that the donations are for a wonderful cause, so even if you don't win, you don't lose either. Every dollar counts, so please support our cause.
When you donate $25 dollars or more, you will have your information displayed on our Autism Intervention Specialists website. Have us advertise your business, website, or simply leave a nice message for someone.  Once you donate, we will contact you by email to ask you if you would like a standard “thank you for donating” message, or if you would like us to list your business or website info along with a link.  Not that you need prizes or free advertising, because donating for Autism makes you feel great by itself…but they can’t hurt!!
Please click on "Make a Donation" to the left. Fill out the form. As soon as you donate, your name will appear next to your donation below. Therefore, please make sure to accurately type in the name you'd like to appear next to your donation. Please look at the bottom of this page for an example. If you choose to use something other than your name, like "Autism Awareness" for example, your pertinent information will STILL be emailed to me and I will still be able to get your tickets to you. You will have your raffle tickets within 7 days.
For a list of prizes, please visit, and click on our "Community 5K Run Autism Awareness" link. There will be even more cool prizes as well. 
Good luck!!!
Thank you all for your support.
Autism Intervention Specialists
508 232 7555
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Autism Walk

Image representing Etsy as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseBe sure to check out the info on the Autism Walk in Worcester on May 1st. Families and friends of families with Autistic children, need and appreciate your support. Lend a hand where you can. You can donate to the cause at: Autism
I wrote a cookbook with my family called "Traveling Recipes" and 1/3 of the proceeds goes to Autism research and the other 2/3rds go to Heart, and Cancer research.
The cookbook is a digital download and is available at Etsy. We wrote the cookbook in memory of our family members that have passed before us. All of these organizations need help, but the number of Autistic children is growing and we need to help by funding research to help these families and children. As I said, help where you can.
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