I have read many blogs this week where families share their experiences in different mediums, visual through video, images, photo albums, music and text, and in all of them the labels are the same from the viewpoint of the parents. (This is only my perception). I believe that the parents of Autistic children have far more fortitude than the average parent, and I know within... that is a truthful perception. When we all finally learn to turn off the labels and quiet our mind to the thoughts of others and their viewpoints about Autism, Aspergers, minorities, religious groups, cultures, ethnic backgrounds and whatever differences have always been recognized to define us; we will have released ourselves from the huge burden that we carry. The result of cultures before us, carried and released during our child rearing years, mixed in the plethora of methods, that we as parents, have taken as truth, from our own parents, and further back as many generations as man has existed. I may have stretched that a bit, but I do believe that the limitations we have set on ourselves and then on our children are carried on from generations of parents just like us, even under different circumstances, but in the same role.
I saw something this week that opened my eyes to the miracles of nature and science as ONE.
We have to learn to shift our consciousness where we can release ourselves from the limitations we have been trapped in and by doing so, show our children the freedom to be who they have been born as, before we affect their within.
Autism should continually be researched to find under "new age" radical discoveries, that miracles exist in every human being, and begin to find the beauty in Autistic children because, each carries with them the ability to not define others as they are defined.
Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this:
Thoughts do become things.
There are no coincidences.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
It all begins with baby steps.
QUIZ: Name These Midwestern Animals
5 years ago