Register Online for the 2008 Walk!
Visit us online for some exciting announcements and incentives
Kick-Off Reception
You are invited. Join us for a fun, informative and inspirational event featuring special guest speakers at 6:30 pm on August 7th at Café Escadrille in Burlington, MA.
Team Fundraising Incentive
Team captains get ready. The next 4 teams that reach $10,000 in fundraising by August 15th will receive 2 tickets to the game on the Red Sox Autism Awareness Day on September 9th AND participation in our on-field opening ceremony.
Top Team Update: Teamsters Local 25
A HUGE thank you to the Teamsters who held a special Gala for Autism Speaks on March 8th and raised $125,000 for their team.
Purchase Puzzle Pretzels
5% of the proceeds from purchases of Bachman’s special Puzzle Pretzel will be donated to Autism Speaks. These fun and tasty puzzle shaped pretzels are available nationwide. Send the following link to your friends and family to find local stores that carry them:
Take Action for Autism Funding
Click on the link to send your support for a letter currently being circulated by Representatives Mike Doyle, Chris Smith, and Carolyn McCarthy, which seeks $15 million for autism research in the House version of the Fiscal 2009 Defense Appropriations bill, as well as full funding for Fiscal 2009 of the Combating Autism Act.
1. Call your state representative and senator at 617-722-2000. Urge them to support the larger Senate appropriation for the Division of Autism (Line Item 5920-3010).
2. Call the House Ways & Means Chair, Robert DeLeo, at 617-722-2990. Thank him for the increase in funding for the Division’s Children’s Autism Medicaid Waiver and urge him to support the larger Senate appropriation for the Division of Autism (Line Item 5920-3010) in Conference Committee.
3. Call the House Ways & Means Chair, Stephen Panagiotakos, at 617-722-1481. Thank him for his support for the increase in funding for the Division of Autism and the Children’s Autism Medicaid Waiver (Line Item 5920-3010) and ask him to please continue to support this funding in Conference Committee.
4. Pass this e-mail on to anyone you know who would make these calls. Send this to anyone who would dedicate 5 minutes of making these quick phone calls in support that can make a difference. Anyone who lives in the State of Massachusetts: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, coworkers, therapists, etc.
Volunteers Needed
Help is needed before the walk, with making phone calls, mailings and more. Contact us if you would like to get involved! 617-924-3300.
Committee Members Needed
We are looking for additional Walk Committee members. If you would like to help plan and implement this year's Walk, please contact us. We especially need assistance with public relations and logistics. Call 617-924-3300.
About the Walk Now for Autism Event
Join Autism Speaks as we tackle autism! Experience the power of thousands united by a single cause by joining Walk Now for Autism. Start a corporate, school or family team today. Walk Now for Autism offers everyone a fun-filled experience with entertainment, refreshments, an autism community resource fair, and much, much more. Be sure to raise $100 to earn your commemorative Walk Now for Autism t-shirt. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Whether you are walking, forming a team, volunteering, or just passing this e-mail along to your address book, THANK YOU so much for your help.
The Greater Boston Walk Planning Committee
QUIZ: Name These Midwestern Animals
5 years ago