Image by Forty Photographs via FlickrI just ran across a great
article written about
anxiety disorders that has some relevant and useful resources. Take the time to read up on
panic disorders, in case you or someone you knows begins to experience them. As a sufferer, I know the pitfalls, but I also know, that good, solid, understandable information, will be the first step in recovery. My anxiety
disorder is under control now, but every once in awhile I have a bout of PTSD (
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) that sets me back for a few days. It's all controllable, that is why articles like
THIS ONE are so important. Do as much reading about this disorder as you can, especially if you or a loved one are suffering. It goes without saying, get help.
We all carry baggage and sometimes we don't don't know what the price of holding it all in, will cost us, until we are hit with something like a
panic attack. Trust me, they are no fun. Be prepared, get informed, and if you do suffer, get help.