Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NAMI: Help Save Mental Health Care


Take Action TODAY to Save Mental Health


In most state legislatures across the country, elected leaders are considering tough decisions required to balance state government budgets in these challenging economic times.

In many states, decisions that will impact adults and children who live with mental illness and their families are still being explored. In other states, legislators have gone home--but the work is not over.

Now is the ideal time to reach out to your legislator and governor and raise your voice for mental health. Cuts to state mental health budgets threaten to devastate children, adults, families and our communities. When mental health care is cut, we all feel the consequences.

NAMI's State Advocacy 2010 initiative makes it easy to e-mail your legislators. Take a few minutes now.

Contact your legislators and governor today. Let them know that your life is affected by mental illness and that you know the important role that public mental health plays in offering the hope of recovery. Ask your elected officials to provide leadership in restoring needed mental health services.

Take Action Now
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National Alliance on Mental Illness
3803 N. Fairfax Dr. ~ Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203

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