In an earlier post I mentioned how little resources are available to parents of children with ODD, but far worse than that is there are very few resources available for all forms of mental illness or addiction. These illnesses are no different than a broken leg. Does anyone choose to break a leg, is it in any way intentional? Of course, not! Along the same lines, does anyone choose to develop an emotional, mental disorder? I can say right now that my friend's daughter certainly did not choose the life she is living right now. I did not choose to develop clinical depression, or choose to have it manifest as Agoraphobia for the many years that it did.
We have to develop a mind set that fits the language that is already formulated. There are clear and direct symptoms to all mental illnesses. Doctor's don't just decide to label someone with a MENTAL ILLNESS. They don't get extra points, they don't have to reach a quota, but we all have to open our minds and begin to pay attention to the many that are suffering from these disorders and help them break free of them. I know that my recovery this time (my third) has been one of immense, insightful, discoveries that have transformed my life into this amazing and wonderful awakening. The resources I have found, that have helped me to translate my mental illness into a journey of illuminating awareness, are nothing short of miracles, and they are disguised in the least obvious wrappings. I am in no way attempting to minimize the severity and painful state that mental illness takes us to; I am only opening a mind set of discovery, that if we all begin to share equally, will bring us to a level of universal recognition.
My friend directed me to the NAMI website tonight, as she stole the minutes I should have been focusing on getting this information out. Yes, she talks a good game. This is a very informative organization and a very highly acclaimed resource for parents, or sufferers of any mental disorder. I am happy that she found this site. I hope that introducing these resources will open up new ones, and the message will resound with a unified effort to change legislation to treat Mental Illness the same as any disease of the body. I hope to also help change the labels that are attached to mental illness and the way that people are received when they are suffering from them. Insurance carriers must hear the message, and mental health workers and all of us should continue driving this force into legislation with the power of a steam engine, until the results are forthcoming.
I encourage anyone that shares this mind set, to join in this battle to shift mental illness, in the eyes of insurance companies, to a broken leg. Again not to minimize the seriousness of this issue, but it is only a shift in the way that we think about mental illness that needs to change. It is a simple thought, not a simple job, but a simple thought, an idea. We each have thousands every day and we only need to "all" have one, the same one that tells lawmakers that mental illness is really just a broken leg.
House Passes Mental Health Parity Bill
March 5, 2008
By a vote of 268-148, the US House of Representatives on March 5th passed its version of the mental health insurance parity bill (HR 1424), setting up what is likely to be a difficult negotiation with the Senate, which passed its version (S 558) unanimously this past fall. Both bills require group health plans to cover mental illness and substance abuse disorders on the same terms and conditions as all other illnesses - equity with respect to durational treatment limits (inpatient days and outpatient visits) and financial limitations (cost sharing, deductibles, out-of-pocket limits, etc.). However, there are important differences between the House and Senate bills that must be resolved. ...
This is posted on the NAMI web site and it is a step in the right direction, but it must be resolved and passed. People need to understand that suicide takes as many lives as war, and that each of us may not be able to stop war, but we can certainly afford to change the minds of legislators to inform insurance companies, to allow coverage for mental health, equally with cancer and all other diseases.
My personal recovery has led me down this path and I Thank God that I have recognized the sleeping giant in me to help get this message out.
Comments are welcome at the end of this post and to contact me , you may email to: JOIN US, AS WE CHANGE THE MINDS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES EVERYWHERE!
Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this: THE SECRET
Thoughts do become things.
There are no coincidences.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
QUIZ: Name These Midwestern Animals
5 years ago