Massachusetts Autism Advocates
Autism Speaks is pursuing autism insurance reform in over twenty states across the nation, including Massachusetts.
Last week, an autism insurance reform bill was introduced in the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The bill, sponsored by Representative Barbara A. L'Italien (D-42) and State Senator Frederick E. Berry (D-7), will require private healthcare policies to provide coverage of the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. The autism insurance reform bill will cover applied behavior analysis (ABA) and other medically necessary, evidence-based treatments prescribed by an insured's treating physician or psychologist. Autism Speaks is partnering with AFAM (Advocates for Autism in Massachusetts) to ensure passage of this crucial legislation.
There are currently eight states that have passed similar bills across the country, including five states during last year's legislative season: Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Illinois. This legislation will position Massachusetts to be one of the next groundbreaking states that provides access to treatment for families dealing with the challenges of autism spectrum disorder.
Your help is needed to generate support for the autism insurance reform bill from your Massachusetts representative. Note that the deadline for co-sponsorship is February 4th, so please reach out to your state legislators now...
1. CALL YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS. Find out who represents you and their phone numbers here.
2. SEND AN EMAIL TO YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS. We encourage you to take the opportunity to personalize the e-mail before you click send. You can do so in the box below our letter.
3. STAY INFORMED Visit the Autism Votes website and sign up today to receive alerts and information pertaining to the autism insurance reform bill.
4. FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW A far-reaching grassroots effort will be crucial to the success of this legislation. Reach out to those who have asked how they can help by asking them to support this bill. They can show their support by by contacting their Massachusetts legislators and by registering for action alerts at AUTISM VOTES
For more information on the autism insurance reform initiative in Massachusetts, visit AUTISM VOTES .ORG IN MASSACHUSETTS
Warm regards,
Judith Ursitti
Regional Director of State Advocacy Relations
Autism Speaks