ASA Statement on January 14, 2009 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Meeting
ASA stands for improving the quality of life for people with autism and protecting their human rights across their lifespan. One of the purposes of the IACC is to conduct a transparent strategic planning process that results in research that answers the many questions facing the autism community.
On December 12, 2008, the IACC voted to approve language in its Autism Research Strategic Plan for proceeding with research on the relationship between vaccines and autism.
At the January 14, 2009, IACC meeting, this subject (not on the agenda and not following procedural rules) was raised for discussion, resulting in a vote that removed the language from the Autism Research Strategic Plan. The language approved in the December meeting on vaccine research is consistent with ASA’s vaccine statement. As this is an issue of importance and concern for the autism community, this language should be restored.