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Historic Health-Care Reform is Needed for ASD Patients The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee has begun its mark-up on health- reform legislation. Offices on the Hill are being flooded with calls and emails opposing health-care reform. This historic reform, however, is crucial to families affected by autism. The draft of the Affordable Health Choices Act currently in the HELP Committee in the Senate addresses many of the issues that impact people with autism, including: prohibiting discrimination based on health status or disability; requiring guaranteed issue of insurance policies; prohibiting pre-existing condition exclusions; prohibiting lifetime and annual caps on coverage; and inclusion of community-based long-term services and supports. The passage of health-care reform that addresses all of these issues would profoundly help many families affected by autism. The Autism Society is deeply excited about the current draft of the Affordable Health Choices Act and applauds its commitment to aiding people with disabilities. Please contact your two (2) U.S. Senators as soon as possible to them know your views on the importance of health-care reform efforts. Click here to find the phone numbers of your Senators and to read an example of points you may want to make when calling your Senators. We thank you for your enthusiastic advocacy on behalf of people affected by autism. Sincerely, The Autism Society |
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