Sent to me 08-19-2008
BY Lee Grossman
President and CEO
ASA Member since 1991
Parent of a son with autism
Both leading presidential candidates responded to our request for statements on autism and health care during the Autism Society of America/National Health Council (NHC) town hall rally “Putting Patients First” at our National Conference on July 10th.
You can read the statements from John McCain and Barack Obama on ASA’s Vote for Autism page.
In addition, we received over 400 responses to our email requesting your town hall meeting questions and concerns. The great majority of your comments focused on medical insurance issues and lifespan services for individuals with autism. You can read a sampling of the responses here.
Next steps will include the formulating of the 400 responses into a “Put Patients First” petition by the NHC to be sent to presidential candidates and congress during the fall campaign.
If you participated in making your voice heard by responding for our call for participation at our town hall meeting, you have my deepest thanks.
If you didn’t get the chance to participate, or you’d like to do even more to let the government
know your strong feelings about the vital importance of our cause, please visit ASA’s Vote for Autism page.
The success of the ASA/NHC town hall meeting proves that our voices on behalf of America’s families coping with autism do make a difference!
Please help us keep the pressure on in both the White House and Capitol Hill by visiting ASA’s Vote for Autism page today!
Lee Grossman
President and CEO
ASA Member since 1991
Parent of a son with autism
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