Angry Child?
Fix the Behavior, Not the Feelings
by James Lehman, MSW
Father and Son
A common mistake many parents make is to assume that since their child’s behavior is connected to their feelings, fixing the feelings will fix the behavior. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s critical for parents to understand that processing your child’s feelings while they are happening is not constructive. Children become overwhelmed with emotions, and by the time they’re feeling angry or resentful, you’re already way into a negative situation. The time to teach kids about fire safety is not when the curtains are burning. In the same way, appropriate behavior is best learned before the crisis.
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EP Consequences Story
Contest Winners
by Elisabeth Wilkins, EP Editor and PSL Staff
Father and Son
This week, check out our third and fourth place winners in our Consequences Story Contest. You’ll hear from Shelly, who’s figured out how to deal with her son on the days he gets sent home from school, and Michelle, a mom who used consequences and stopped yelling at her kids. Bravo to both of you!
Click here to see winner's list
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