"RECESSION PROOF!... Discover The Amazing Secret People Are Already Using To Go From Flat Broke, Drowning In Debt, Or Trapped In A Dead-End JOB To True Financial Wealth And Freedom! Whether You Need A Few Hundred Bucks This Month To Offset The Rising Costs of Everything ... Or You Dream Of Replacing Your Salary And Finally Living Life On YOUR Terms ... This System Is The Fastest Route There - Guaranteed! You Can Start Making Real Cash Money TODAY With... NO | Prior Business Experience... We'll walk you through every simple step and stay by your side until you're making more money than you ever dreamed possible... | NO | Major Investment... The start up cost is pennies compared to buying some franchise... It's even cheaper - and easier - than starting your own eBay business... | NO | Special Computer Knowledge... There's no websites to build, no spammy emails to send. You can make great money doing the same things you do online right now! | This System Is "Sal Approved" To Whack The Recession! Watch This 1 Minute Video To See Why... ^^------------Click above to play Sal's video For Immediate Release: Internet Marketing's 3 big-money mega-stars, responsible for helping thousands of people earn millions of dollars, take on their biggest challenge yet: Teach total beginners to stuff their pockets with the fast cash they desperately need to... • conquer this recession • eliminate debt once and for all • create permanent financial freedom Or even... • stop harassment from bill collectors • avoid humiliating foreclosure, and • save your credit No matter how high your financial floodwaters have risen, you can be rescued! Each expert has exposed top wealth creating secrets... instantly granting ANYONE who can read the power to defeat this economic crisis and end their financial suffering. All from the comfort of home using the power of the Internet... The result is an automatic online cash-generating system so deadset-simple and lightning fast, the only way to make money faster is with a ski mask and a gun! | "Yeah... but trust me, this is a helluva lot safer!" | |
|  | From The Desk Of: Shawn Casey Subject: How To Recession-Proof Your Life | Thursday, August 14, 2008 Dear Cash-Strapped Friend, Hi. Shawn Casey here... and the guy in the box up there is Uncle Sal. He's Harris Fellman's alter ego, and a fine example of how anyone with access to a computer can make a killing on the Internet - if you know the secrets. It was Sal who sparked the idea to put together this unique package of our most powerful wealth generating tactics and rescue people from this nasty economy. Everyone whose seen this package has agreed, it's an extremely powerful system ever designed for making fast money online... and building wealth into the future. "When the Dream Team unleash their power - strap yourself in for one hell of a ride..." To be brutally honest, when I heard that Harris and Shawn Casey were getting together to release something I thought W-O-W. When I heard that Tellman was joining them I thought it was a joke designed to get the rest of the internet marketing community to resign there and then. What happens when you combine the awesome brain power and marketing masterminds of Fellman, Tellman and Casey? A *big* frickin' bang - that's what happens. I have moved projects to make way for these guys and whatever they put out I get behind. Harris' advice has easily made me 6-figures. Shawn's has added several hundred thousand to my bottom line. And Tellman taught me more in one phone call with him than I've got from devouring binders' full of marketing courses. When the Dream Team unleash their power - strap yourself in for one hell of a ride. let's go!!  Michael Cheney Michaelcheney.com Results are unique.Your results will vary | In a moment, I'll show you exactly how truly anyone can use this system to stuff their bank accounts with cash ... and put a permanent end to financial suffering. But, right I want to talk about you... Do you feel trapped in your dead-end job? Working long, thankless hours for a company that doesn't appreciate you, and a clueless boss that doesn't deserve you. And now, with these gas prices, it costs you twice as much money every week to drive to a place you've grown to despise. (Ever feel nauseous pulling into the parking lot of your workplace?) You're trading your precious time for a meager paycheck that barely covers your bills... without enough left over to even go see a movie, or meet your friends out for a good time. Worse yet... with all the layoffs happening everywhere, you have to wonder how long you'll even keep the desk that you rather set on fire than sit at one more time. It's frightening to think about... but, in an economy like this... "You Can't Even Feel Secure In The Job You Hate!" Or maybe your situation is worse... Maybe you're one of the millions already out of work and living a financial nightmare. The bills just keep piling up and there's no money coming in. In some cases the amounts you owe have doubled - even tripled - with mounting late penalties. Others aren't even bills anymore - they're threats. They come in red envelopes and announce the cut off date of your cable, your power, your water... Basic survival utilities you never gave thought to before are now top priority, and... Time Is Running Out... You keep hoping your luck will change... hoping you'll catch a break... hoping something will magically "come through"... but another week goes by and the only thing coming through is more bills—more threats. Deep inside you know that "hoping" for something better isn't enough. It's time to take action. Real, solid, proven action. But which action? None of the moneymaking solutions you've relied on in the past will fix this. "Workin' two, tree jobs at a time? Fuggedaboutit! I tried dat and burned out quicker'n a cigar in a steam bath... Borrowing money? Wit dose 27% rates, the banks are makin' the loan sharks look like Boy Scouts... And selling your stuff on eBay? You'll be lucky to get one-third what it's worth... then you gotta pay to ship the stuff!" | | I'd love to tell you to just hang on a few months longer until things get better... but, there is no proof that things will get better. Only a politician would try to sell you that fantasy. And I'm no politician, so I have nothing to lose by telling you the truth. And the truth is... "Our Economy Has Never Tanked This Hard... On This Many Levels..." The pillars that support our financial house are crumbling... Corporations are moving overseas... Major banks are closing... Wall Street is on red alert... The entire structure is about to collapse...and no one is even pretending to know how to fix it. Think about it ... Could you have imagined, even 2 years ago, that you'd be shelling out more than $4-a-gallon for gas? And now economists predict $6-a-gallon right around the corner. We both know how much fuel costs affect the price of everything else we buy. Another bump in oil prices and a head of lettuce will be luxury item. Just like the stock market crash of 1929 that lead to "the great depression," experts are calling this current financial climate... "A 'Perfect Storm' Of Disastrous Conditions..." The kind that can lead to total economic destruction. Make no mistake about it… You're standing in the path of a category 5 financial hurricane. A storm named "Recession." And she's only begun to show the damage she's capable of... Just pick up any newspaper, or turn on any news channel and you'll see the damage... And the frightening part is, all this is happening right before our eyes... and most people are just standing there waiting for it to come crashing down on them. "If This Recession Were A Hurricane, You'd Be Hiding In A Shelter Right Now..." But, there is no shelter from this storm. There is no Red Cross to help you in a financial disaster. No Coast Guard helicopter will drop a rope and pluck you from the floodwaters. And just like people who try "riding out" a tropical hurricane ... If you don't choose your escape route and flee this recession right now, there's a chance you'll take a direct hit - and lose everything. Everything you've worked so hard to achieve... your home, your security, your comfort, your opportunities... your plans for the future... ...all wiped out in an instant. When the financial levee breaks you'll be treading water past what used to be your life, wondering how this could've happened to you. You thought the people in charge would do something before it got to this. You thought there were plans in place to avoid this kind of disaster. "You thought someone else would fix the problem for you... But, it's all on YOU... And the time is NOW!" | |
| "So, What Are You Going To Do?" You know you can't count on the government for help. And maybe that's for the best... because, honestly, can you imagine relying on food and shelter from the same people who run the DMV? The government's only solution to the economic crisis so far has been to send "economic stimulus" checks. Sure, no one's complaining about getting a check in the mail (even if it was your own money to begin with)... But it just isn't enough. Truth is, most people were forced to pour their stimulus checks right into their gas tanks... all while the oil companies collect record profits! But, I don't need to go on about how bad the economy is... You know how bad this economy is... You know better than any "expert" because you're living with it! What you want now is action... Action that will put immediate cash in your pocket and an end to your struggle over money... Action that fixes the problems you face right now, and assures that you're never financially vulnerable again... Action that produces results equal to... "Getting A 'Stimulus Check' In The Mail Every Month... Every Week... Every Day!" That's exactly how life is for the people following the fool-proof, step-by-step methods that I'm going to reveal to you today. It's important that you understand... these people recently stood exactly where you stand today... They were on hard times... they needed money fast... and every solution they came up with for getting it was more frightening than the last... Their entire life had become a "worst case scenario". But, talk to them today and you'll see their lives are much different. They've turned the tables on this recession and secured their futures. Kyle went from working a dead-end full-time job less than 2 years ago, to quickly earning 6-figures and marrying the girl of his dreams... "Increased my income to over $100,000/year..." "I owe Tellman big time… He completely opened the door to a new life for me back in 2006. I was working over 60 hours a week making less than $30,000/year, could never take my girlfriend out on a date because I had no money, could never hang out with my buddies from college because I had to work nights and weekends, and I could never take a vacation. Since Tellman showed me what was possible and opened the door for me to the internet lifestyle... I have quit my dead-end full time job at the Physical Therapy clinic... started up my own online fitness business (www.AskTheFitnessExpert.com)... increased my income to over $100,000/year... bought a beautiful house (which I'm psyched to say I work from everyday!)... got married to the love of my life... have been able to treat my friends and family to meals out and vacations... traveled to amazing places like New Zealand and Mexico... met and became friends with guys like Shawn Casey, Mark Joyner, Harris Fellman, Joshua Shafron, and so many more. My life is truly blessed and I have more opportunities than I can possibly take advantage of! It's out there for the taking and I hope that you can experience these blessings too! To your success,  Kyle Battis www.KyleBattis.com Results are unique. Your results will vary. | Now, I'm not here to sell you an unrealistic fantasy. Will you wake up tomorrow living like Kyle, no. But, you will wake up holding in your hands the exact same system he used to get where he is today. The knowledge will be yours, all you need is the desire to put it into action. The same kind of desire that Kyle and so many others had to answer their instinct that demanded, "There's got to be something better than this..." and made the change. All they needed was the blueprint - the same one I'm offering you today - and now... They no longer dread checking the mail to find out which bills they can't afford to pay. They simply pay them and forget about it. They no longer have to "check their accounts" before deciding to eat in a nice restaurant, or take a spontaneous weekend getaway. They know the money is there, and plenty more is on the way. And best of all... They no longer set alarm clocks to start a miserable day of driving to a place they can't stand, sitting next to people they don't like, and collecting pay that barely gets them through the week. Now, they work from home, doing something they have great passion for, and they typically make more in one week than they used to in a full month as someone's worker ant employee. Look, I know there are plenty of people who are perfectly happy working for someone else... They're uncomfortable creating their own agenda... They feel safer following orders... They believe showing up to the same place to do the same thing makes them secure. But, that isn't you, is it? You know there's NO security in doing a "human robot" job. You're the kind of person who thinks for yourself. You're capable of leading your own life. You don't like - perhaps can't stand - taking orders (especially someone you have zero respect for). You're the kind of person who sees that "TEAMWORK" poster hanging in the break room for what it really is—propaganda. And it depresses you to have to look at it everyday. If I'm right about you... and you're the kind of person who feels... "...there's nuttin' more disgustin' than some dimwit manager puttin' THEIR bottom line price on 40 hours of YOUR only life..." | |
| Then this is exactly the opportunity you've been hoping for. Because once you begin living on your own terms, you'll be saying the same thing we hear from our members over and over again... "I Never Dreamed My Life Could Be This Good..." Years ago, I was in a similar position you are right now... Frustrated with my situation and eager for a change. The answer to my problem was sitting right on my desk all along... the Internet. Since discovering the simple method to making unlimited cash on the Internet... I've sold over 100,000 books and courses and coached thousands of people on how to easily make lots of money using only their computer. And, in case you don't know me... let me assure you, the methods I teach have NOTHING to do with... • MLM, • pyramid schemes, • SPAM, • Or any other cheesy, annoying or unethical scenarios. I've taught all kinds of people the secrets to creating a real income, simply, quickly and easily, by doing the exact same thing I did when I needed help. The same thing I'm doing right now to create a sales machine that produces over $10 million-a-year. "Every word that comes out of Shawn's mouth is gold!" Because of Shawn Casey I now live in the most elite neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia. Every word that comes out of his mouth is gold. Listen to anything he says because if you don't you will lose money just like I did. Thanks for every golden nugget, Shawn. My wife and I appreciate you. I'm the father I always wish I could be because of YOU!  Matt Bacak, Internet Multi-millionaire, Atlanta Georgia promotingtips.com Results are unique. Your results will vary. | Right now you're probably wondering... But, why start a business if we're in a recession? That's a smart question... After all, we see so much bad news about consumer sales dropping like a rock. And, yes, the squeeze is on for retail markets that sell luxury items like designer clothes, jewelry, electronics... and, of course, the automakers and real estate industry are suffering staggering losses. But, the truly incredible thing about the kind of business I'm describing is... The Money Is Even Better During A Recession! That's because certain types of products become red hot when the economy is bad - and we'll show you exactly how to locate the starving markets for these products. Plus, our online businesses model has none of the operating expense and hassles of a 'brick and mortar' business, and almost zero overhead! You'll NEVER have to... • rent a store • hire a staff • set hours • handle products • sell door to door, (or over the phone) • or pay any kind of franchise fee How can that be? Simple... Because when you sell Internet products... There's nothing to store, nothing to package, and nothing to ship... All you do is provide a link to customers and collect a commission. And we'll show youthe insited secret we use in our multi-million dollar online businesses to get the biggest crowds flocking to your links. You can be hauling in cash from your online business in as little as 2-3 hours a day. Or work more, make more, then take a ling vacation. It works on the schedule that works for you because... The Internet Never Closes! Imagine hopping on the computer, any time of day or night, and in the time in takes you to send out an email - coming away with hundred of dollars more in sales. Once you get rolling, it really is that simple, quick and easy. PLUS, because your "commute" is no further than the kitchen table, or your favorite coffee shop, you'll spare yourself that dreaded $80 visit to the gas pump. And, in case you're wondering if Internet marketing is just a fad... or it could ever get too crowded... here's one more statistic... Can you think of one reason you shouldn't be collecting your slice of that $144 billion pie? This is life for thousands of people just like you. So, why shouldn't it be you? Here's how this special recession ending package came to be... A few weeks ago, after watching yet another sad news story about a young couple about to lose their home to foreclosure, I decided enough was enough. So, I sat down and sketched out the all-too-real scenario that many people face right now. Then I designed the path I would take if I had none of my experience... none of my resources... and very little money to get started. I posed the same question to 2 of my most trusted and successful colleagues, Tellman Knudson and Harris Fellman. And when they showed me the "escape routes" they would take... I was shocked... It was almost too easy! "I Knew That Anyone Could Follow This Simple Plan And Escape Financial Danger..." I saw that, using this dead-set simple system, they'd have the potential to make thousands within a few weeks time, then double it the month after that, and on and on until money worries were a distant memory. I knew this because it's something the 3 of us do in our businesses every day! And we've taught thousands of others to do it... "Over $8,000 In One Day!" "My best day has been over $8,000!" "By following Shawn's advice, my worst day online was $200 and that is in one day. (Not bad for a worst day huh?) My best day has been over $8,000! Remember that is in one day and it happened all because of Shawn's advice." Ash Trivedi, United Kingdom "I Made $1,663.20 In Just 4 Days!" "Simply Amazing! I made $1,663.20 in just 4 days using your techniques. That's real cash in my pocket. I can't wait to see how much I make in 15 days. Shawn, you are absolutely right... The Internet really is a goldmine. Thanks for helping me get my share of the gold!" Jesus Mejias, Spain  "I made $231 for about 5 minutes worth of work!" "I made $231 for about 5 minutes worth of work... Anybody who can read and follow directions can make money online with your information." Brook Malone Results are unique. Your results will vary. | From "everyday people" to marketing superstars... When it comes to making epic profits is record time, my tactics do the job for everyone... Just one of Shawn's startegies makes Frank Kern $20,000 per week "Just one of the backend strategies you gave me ending up earning me an average of $20,000 per week!"  Frank Kern, Internet Marketing MIllionaire Results are unique. Your results will vary. | And here's what the Internet's fastest rising superstar, Keith Wellman has to say about all 3 of us... "an Olympic level team of mentors!" You've heard the expression "Too many cooks spoil the soup"? Not in this case. We have 3 master chefs to cook you up a FEAST of knowledge. Tellman Knudson is incredible. He moves fast and is all about action and results. Shawn Casey is a trusted mentor to me and he's big on methods used to create money that most people will never know about. Harris Fellman is sharp as a tack and has incredible money making ideas all the time. He's also got the ability to make things happen BIG with BIG connections. Put the three together and you have an Olympic level team of mentors to teach you how to make money fast. My advice: invest in them. You'd be crazy not to sit down with such a trio of Internet marketing giants!  Keith Wellman FX Marketing
| We didn't waste any time making it look pretty. This needed to get out immediately. This is emergency relief and we want it in people's hands right now. Introducing... Recession Rescue System³ Fast Cash Now... Steady Income Forever This triple-strength income system is the only one guaranteed to "recession-proof" your life right now... and continue creating wealth into the future. So, who are these big shot gurus anyway? | Shawn Casey gave up a lucrative career as a corporate executive for the smart, easy money and second-to-none lifestyle of Internet marketing. Shawn made money his very first month online and hasn't looked back. Today, Shawn's business earn over $10 million in yearly sales. He has helped countless Internet newbies make millions of dollars in sales, and live the good life. | Tellman Knudson is a master of increasing customer responsiveness and loyalty. With just one tactic, Tellman created over $800,000 in sales in less than 12 months, and has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars online for others. Entrepreneurs gladly shell out thousands to learn Tellman's million dollar secrets, but you won't have to because he has included them in this system to guarantee you make big money right now. | Harris Fellman generated over a million dollars in sales in the first year he began using the same exact tactics you get in this system - and his income continues to grow year after year. He started from scratch just like you are today... and quickly joined the elite top earners online. Harris has created a loyal following online by using his acting skills to create hit videos featuring characters like the one who probably lead you here today, Sal. Harris's rule for success is that it's got to be fun! Because, as he explains "the more fun I have the more money I make..." | Combined, Tellman, Harris and I have sold hundreds of thousands of books and courses. But, more importantly, we've watched our sales go up as the economy goes down. Now, we're revealing the simple, proven plans to earning unlimited income online... in any economy! This is - by far - the most simple, quick and easy way to create an influx of cash today - and turn it into steady income for the future. If you're ready to finally say good-bye to your money worries and start living the kind of lifestyle that would make most doctors and lawyers envious... Then you're going to remember this as the day your life changed forever. Right now you're probably thinking... "Sounds Incredible... But How Does It Work?" Well, I promised to give you the answers, and I always keep my promises... So, right now I'm going to show you... ...why some people have the ability to create floods of income with the simple push of a button - while others struggle just to find the money they need to survive. It's actually pretty simple. It all comes down to these 4 factors... 1. A hungry market. The market... huge. Billions of people on the Internet... and they're not just hungry, they're starving. Nielson Media reported in January that 875 million people shopped online - up 40% in 2 years... And that number grows every day. We show you how easy it is to find the most rabid buyers... and do it over and over again with ease. The greatest part is... you don't need any technical know how to make a lot of money. You don't even need a website of your own. 2. Wide profit margins. This is the secret to a truly "recession-proof" business. When times get tight, it's the discount stores that suffer first because they operate on very tiny profit margins. In my town, I've watched a discount shoe store and an outlet mall go out of business already. Because, If you're making pennies in profit on each sale - you've got to sell a ton of stuff to survive. So, when nobody's buying due to a shaky economy, those small margin business have no way to cushion the blow and they're first off the cliff. Recession Rescue System³ protects you from shifts in the economy by revealing products with... "Profit Margins So Wide You Could Turn An 18-Wheeler In Them..." And here's the coolest part... you don't even have to create the products (although they're simple to make). You can sell other people's wide margin products for a huge slice (up to 70-80%) of the profits. 3. Incredibly low start up cost. Unlike a conventional brick and mortar business, you'll have no physical products to store, pack or ship... No employees to pay... And, even though your "store" never closes, you can work any hours you want. Your overhead stays incredibly low, and your margins stay wide. That's the key to being recession-proof. It doesn't get much safer than that. 4. Free advertising. For any business to survive and thrive they must devote at least 20-30% of their revenue to advertising. Not you. Recession Rescue System³ gives you the step-by-step blueprint for getting all the free advertising you'll ever need to get that starving market beating down your virtual door. And most of the tactics involve things you probably do already for fun. Now you can be cashing in even while you're goofing off. Are you beginning to see how easy it is to put this plan into action? And it doesn't matter if... | You've never made a single dime with your own business before and have no idea where to begin, what to sell, or how to sell it... Recession Rescue System³ takes you by the hand and walks you through the step-by-step process to assure you get all the support you need - and then some. | | You already work a soul-sucking job and think you don't have enough time to devote to creating your financial escape route... We understand most RRS³ users crunched for time - that's why we designed the system to work on your schedule. An hour a day is all you need to get started. | | You've tried other moneymaking products before and found them too complicated - or worse, you never even took them out of the box... The quick pace of this system practically forces you to succeed by never giving you a chance to get bored or complacent. The key to motivation is fast results - and RRS³ delivers. | On the column to the right are a few more people whose lives were transformed by the moneymaking systems that provide the foundation of Recession Rescue. As I said earlier, it wasn't long ago that those people were facing the same situation you are today... Most had no experience, no time to waste, and had never dreamed they could run their own businesses from their computer. "Thanks A Million Harris" "Because of the strategies and techniques that Harris Fellman taught me, I was able to finally crack the internet marketing code and generated profits of over $35K in my first 30 days online... and over $130K in my first 90 days. Without him, both my real estate investing and internet marketing businesses would still be below the radar, but now, we are looking forward to our first 7-figure year in business. Thanks a million Harris.  Charles T. Dudley, Sr. reidominator.com
| Tellman is the king! He has shown me how to set up several web pages that all work together in generating a list and selling products at the same time. His advice has also helped me get more hits in 2 weeks than I had in 5 months. I now know how to make web pages that work and thus I can fire my web designer. Tellman knows he stuff inside and out. You can set out and try to figure web marketing out on your own or you can take the advice of Tellman who has experience and more than any thing he is successful. He has shown me how to rock it in 3 weeks and I have barley scratched the surface of all his knowledge. Why go slow when you can go fast and kick ass with Tellman.  Kerry Sullivan, Triathlete www.scorchingspeed.com | "You really put me on the fast track to success!" Just wanted to take a minute to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all you've done to help me on the road to success in my Internet Marketing journey. As a full time teacher, I struggled along until I found you but am happy to say that I am now making an excellent part time income from my marketing and I owe it all to you! Your coaching program became available in the nick of time…I was getting so discouraged and spinning my wheels and you really put me on the fast track to success! Your products are all top-notch and you always over-deliver on everything you do! I always give my whole-hearted endorsement to your products because YOU are on the cutting edge. So keep it up Harris! And thank you again. You've been instrumental in making my life a lot easier!  Dorothea Carney instant-web-magic.com
| "Tellman has given me in 90 days what would have taken me 5 years to create..." Tellman Knudson is one of the smartest, most creative, motivated, high energy, generous teachers I have ever met! He is an Internet Marketing "Wild Man Genius." Tellman can take any problem and within 60 seconds give you a clear action step to resolve that problem and better it ten times over. With his hard core reality checks Tellman has given me in 90 days what would have taken me 5 years to create, a profitable on line business with enough potential to expand into the next ten years and beyond.  Chuck DeWolfe ArtMastermind.com Results are unique. Your results will vary. | Many were skeptical at first, but they followed the instinct that told them this is exactly what they were searching for. Today, they all report a deep and permanent change in their lives... The days of stressing over money are long behind them. They travel, they invest, they explore. They're free to live on their own terms. They simply went for it, and now they're living a lifestyle once reserved strictly for those born into wealth and privilege... In fact, most feel it's even better than that because they walk proud knowing they earned what they have honestly... using their own brains and the skills they learned following the steps in these guides. But, here's the truly amazing part... ...as quick and easy as it was for them to turn their lives around... it's even easier for you. See, they achieved their dreams using only one small part of the system I'm offering you today... Here's What Makes This Our Strongest Cash-Building System Ever... When Tellman, Harris and I locked ourselves in the "war room" to plan this system, we all took a pledge to make RRS³ the most dead-set simple, yet incredibly effective moneymaking system every created. Experience told us the biggest hurdle new users will face is follow-through. The pattern is simple to read. People who get started right away quickly fulfill their desire to make lots of money. And those that put it off have a much tougher time. So, to make sure nobody got left behind, we separated the system into 3 parts... with the first being so simple, it's like walking up to your bank's ATM and choosing "fast cash". Level 1 The keys to level 1 are earning quick money, and doing it in a market that is recession-proof. Yes, there are markets completely immune to shifts in the economy... Markets where people actually spend more when times are bad! We'll show you these recession-proof markets, and how to profit like mad from them. Entering Level 1 is like strapping on a bullet-proof vest... Suddenly you can take a fiscal shot square in the chest and not even bleed. Level 2 Remember those wide margins we talked about? Now that you've got some fast cash in your pocket, it's time to multiply the strength of your financial foundation. Your profit margins get even wider in Level 2... and the money flows strong and steady. Imagine having the financial freedom to call all your own shots. You now live life on your terms. No more slaving away your precious hours making someone else rich... your time is spent multiplying your own money. Now you're not only wearing a bullet proof vest - you're rolling in an armored tank. That scary mountain of bills now crumbles beneath your wheels like a clump of dirt. Level 3 The secrets you learn at Level 3 put your financial life inside an impenetrable, bomb-proof shelter. There is no economic storm... no fiscal terrorists... no surprise attack that can shake your foundation. It's the natural next step to the ultimate lifestyle. Whether you're sitting at mission control, or on a beach in Hawaii sipping umbrella drinks - your money streams flow automatically. Level 3 is what every entrepreneur dreams about, but it's reality for you, because you know the secret. Following the simple, step-by-step instructions in the RRS³ video and audio tutorials and quick-reading manual allows you to collect money quickly ... providing you with immediate financial aid. Then you will compound and multiply your earnings every month for as long as you continue to follow the system. Can you get rich using this system? Yes, you can. Let me be clear that this is not some "get rich overnight" pipe dream. You do have to take action. Harris, Tellman and myself use these exact strategies in our business that bring a combined $18 million dollars a year. And it's proven to work over and over again for anyone willing to follow the steps. Once you get rolling, the money keeps coming in - even if you slack off. But, you won't slack off because waking up to hundreds, even thousands more dollars in your account never get old! How fast can I make money? The system is designed to put up to $1,000 cash in your pocket within 5-15 days. After that, your earnings begin to multiply. Most people who succeed with the system are able to replace their current salary (if they're lucky enough to have one) in the first 2-3 months. If that isn't fast enough for you... If you're searching for the miracle of instant wealth, then this is not for you. However... | If you want a realistic escape from the terrible money stress that has taken over your life... | | If you want a simple step-by-step plan for creating a steady stream of cash... | | If you want to systematically compound your wealth without being a slave to your work... | Then I'm confident there is no other system more effective at guiding you through those goals and helping you achieve your dream of wealth and freedom than Recession Rescue System³. Just imagine how different life is when you no longer fret over money... When you've got enough stuffed away to cover your expenses for 6 months... When you can finally say "yes" to your kids when they ask for something fun... Only Then Can You Truly Be Free... Free to make your own decisions... Free to work the hours that work best for you... Free to create financial security for yourself - not some CEO in an Ivory Tower. And because this system was designed by the 3 of us to unite the power of our proven methods, we expect you'll be able to succeed 3 times faster! You'll get Recession Rescue3 at a much lower cost than you'd normally expect from us. We only take on a few personal students each year, and they pay top dollar to learn our wealth-building secrets. Is it a risk for us to offer these secrets so inexpensively to you? Yes, of course it is. But, frankly we're so fed up with this recession and the thousands of new victims it claims every day... it isn't about money anymore. This is now a matter of pride. We cannot sit back and watch people sink deeper into desperation. Losing their homes, losing their security, losing the confidence they need to overcome their challenges. All for a simple lack of money! When you possess the secret to ending someone's suffering, NOT sharing it is the same as kicking them when they're down. So, instead of looking away, we're inviting you in. Here's just a taste of what you're about to discover...  | The sure-fire method to making fast money now - and steady income for life in a marketplace that grows by millions year after year... |  | 5 simple ways to shield yourself from unruly shifts in the economy... Once you know this, you'll never fall victim to a recession - or market trends again! |  | The coming Internet shopping trend that will change the game for everyone ... and how you'll profit huge from it before your competition even knows what happened... |  | The ONE essential ingredient to success that 99% of all marketers miss... I give you my easy 2-minute tactic to make it automatic (Ignore this at your own peril)... |  | How to find the "800 Pound Gorilla" products. The ones you must sell if you want the most bang for your buck. Spend little or nothing on promotions... and still profit more! |  | The hidden "sweet spot" in any market... This is the selfishly guarded secret to how big dog marketers cash in effortlessly —time and time again... |  | The step-by-step blueprint to producing a simple, but wildly powerful cash-hording video... You just watch as your account fills up with major profits. |  | The "overlap technique" for cashing in on several hot-selling products at the same time. You'll make more by working smarter, not harder... |  | How to know without a doubt that your product idea will be a winner. This simple research tactic alone can save you thousands and earn you millions! |  | The free search tool that alerts you to products people are buying in droves. This little-known trick will slash your research time, allowing you to quickly focus on the most profitable ideas first... |  | Paint-by-numbers, connect-the-dots strategies laid out for you so you can easily duplicate our success. Follow it exactly as is and you WILL make immediate cash! | And more... including details so explosive I wouldn't dare list them here. Once you've digested these methods, building wealth becomes natural instinct. Imagine having the inner peace and confidence to stay relaxed during any financial situation… knowing your skill and insider knowledge has placed you among the most effective money-earners on the planet! You can't buy that kind of confidence for any amount of money… But You CAN Gain It … With The Recession Rescue System³ So how much is the RRS³ course going for? "A lot less than a fancy resumè you'd be adding to some HR flunky's 'ignore pile'!" | |
| Sal's right. The system is priced far below its actual value because it has to be. And believe me when I tell you... This isn't some ebook made up of used parts. This is a full blown, step-by-step wealth building system. We built fast to get it into your hands NOW, and designed it with speed in mind. We know you don't have the time to "study a marketing course" right now. You need immediate action - immediate money. And that's exactly what RRS³ is made to give you - at a price you can't possibly pass up. But, before we shock you with this incredible price, let's look at all you're getting... The Recession Rescue System³ Fast Cash Now... Steady Income Forever...  Here's What's Included: |  | The RRS³ Quick Start Guide Step-by-Step 7 Day Guide will have you making money in less than a week from today. Includes expanded notes and quick tips for fast money. Plus! The complete transcript of the Audio mastermind sessions. Print it out for quick-referencing. Take it with you wherever you go. |  | The Recession Rescue Mastermind Audio Sessions This is the original recording of the Recession Rescue Mastermind with over 5 hours of brainstorming and step by step instructions to recession proof your business Shawn, Tellman and Harris held nothing back, and you'll hear every tactic and strategy for generating the fast cash you need now. And turning it into steady income for the future. Includes... • Introduction to RRS³ with Shawn, Tellman and Harris (30 mins)... Total beginner, or struggling marketer, it doesn't matter what you've encountered before. Where setting the record straight and breaking it down so simple, a 10yr-old could do it! • Level 1 - The Bullet-Proof Vest The key to strapping one on is operating in recession-proof industries... Yes they're out there and Shawn & Harris tell you how to profit from them in any economic climate (30 mins)... • Level 2 - The Armored Tank Wide profit margins are the secret to wrapping your business in impenetrable armor. Shawn and Harris reveal their fool-proof method for creating wide profit margin products. (60mins) • Level 3 The Money Bunker - Always Be ListBuilding. Tellman & Harris walk you step-by-step through the most lucritive aspect of any online business. Includes 11 specific traffic-generating strategies - 10 of which cost no money whatsoever (90min)... • Make Money Online Fast! Harris Fellman is the master of fast money... you get his proven strategies for extracting money from the Internet straight into your pocket (25min).... |  | The Recession Rescue Fast Cash Videos 14 fast loading videos reveal the steps to setting up your own long term recession proof business in 14 days or less! And, yes, much much more! More Videos, More Audios, More Ways for you to build a truly long term recession-proof income that will weather any economic storm, now - and into the future! | Tese are methods, strategies and resources that people normally pay several thousands to learn from us. The last 2 products I released in 2008 sold out for $2,000 and $4,000. Under normal circumstances this system would fly out the door in that price range - no question about it. But, these are not normal circumstances... these are serious times. The Recession Rescue System³ was created to help you end the suffering you face right now. Get stable - get well - then get wealthy... that's the priority. And for those that take advantage of this offer - it's priceless. Even if you've dabbled with marketing online before, this system is guaranteed to create new streams of income in ways you are not using now - and probably didn't even know existed. So, to make sure rescue is in reach to those who need it most, we're not charging anything near $997. Not even half of that. For the time being, we're only charging 10% of the normal price. That's right you get the entire system for just $97! Still too much? Okay. I've spoken with Tellman and Harris, and they agreed... To make sure word spreads about this product to those who need it - and with the promise that you'll share your success story with us to use on this webpage... We're offering a limited time, Special Introductory Price of just $67! And... It's Backed By My Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee I've been 100% honest to earn your trust today - there's no way I'm throwing it away with bad service. If you need us, you call, you email, whatever, and you'll get the support you need. The hyper-advanced wealth-building skills you learn in RRS³ have already helped other people just like you... in the most desperate, out-of-control situations you're ever likely to face in your life. Whoa! Huge BONUSES Just Added! There were no bonuses planned for this product for two reasons... 1. They aren't needed... The manual and videos provide more than enough information to get you earning money fast - and continuing to build wealth into the future. To guarantee success, we built this system to follow a very narrow path that leads to money. 2. The price is too low... Let's face it, $67 for a lifetime of steady income is an amazing bargain. Add bonuses on top of it and I either have to raise the price, or risk the integrity of the system... two things I'm not willing to do. BUT... then I got cornered in Vegas by one of the world's top business consultants! See, I was hanging out in the SkyLofts at the MGM Grand with some of the best internet marketing experts on the planet when one of them sees me, gets all excited and drags me over to private corner. He talkes to me about a major release he has been working on for a year and how it fits in with recession proof businesses. Now - just so we're clear here - I don't mean to brag, but it's not like I need a lot of help when it comes to showing you how to permanently whack the recession. But... When I'm talking to a guy that consults for Fortune 500 corporations, and has been featured on every major news network you can think of, and - more importantly - has personally coached major internet success stories like Mike Filsaime, Jeff Walker, Joel Comm, and Jim Edwards, I've got to take it seriously. I mean he was just on CNN and in Forbes. Heck, his first 25 coaching clients increased their revenues by $40,000,000 in just 18 months. Plus...this guy has accurately predicted every major shift in Internet business in the last few years. This consultant is none other than Rich Schefren! And he got excited about this opportunity to help people of any experience level get a major jumpstart in their businesses and beat this stupid recession, he asked to join on this product. Like I was going to say "No" to Rich Schefren to helping you out for free? BONUS #1 Exclusive Teleseminar with Rich Schefren! ($99 value) "The 7 New Rules For Fast And Furious Profits That Most People Don't Know About." If there's a guru with the pulse of the internet marketing crowd on his radar screen, it's undisputedly Rich Schefren. When Rich releases a new report or product, tens of thousands of smart marketers (including us) clamor for a copy. Because let's face it--every prediction Rich makes inside these famed reports has come true. From the Internet Marketing Manifesto to the Missing Chapter to the Final Chapter to the Attention Age Doctrines 1 and 2...each one of them reads like an Internet Marketing "state of the union address"--except of course that they ALL came out months--or even YEARS--before the scenarios inside came to pass! So to say Rich has an eerie sense of what's going to happen next in the marketplace would be an understatement. Now, what's Rich been up to lately? Take a big wild hairy guess... That's right--there's another report on the horizon...one that promises to put all the others to SHAME and that's no exaggeration. I've been sworn to secrecy, but I can reveal this much: you're going to have an insider SNEAK PEEK into Rich Schefren's latest predictions when you discover these "The New Rules of Business Growth!" long before anyone else. See, Rich is making a very generous offer exclusive to RRS³ customers. No one else - not even Rich's thousands of customers, blog readers and newsletter subscribers - have seen or heard about these rules. You'll be first to be able to take advantage of them to jumpstart your business and leave your competition so far behind they'll never even understand what happened. After countless months of research, discussion and reflection, Rich has now revealed that the source of all of our woes come down to 8 things... Just 8 things which impact every single aspect of your business. During this exclusive teleseminar and materials, Rich will share with you what the New Rules are, why they happened, how they impact your business and, most importantly, what you should be doing right now to accelerate your profits to extraordinary levels. Anyone who buys Recession Rescue System³ will gain access to this free teleseminar "The New Rules of Business Growth." This is an exclusive call that would normally cost a minimum of $199 to be part of... And Rich charges thousands of dollars per hour for consulting. This epic teleseminar with Rich Schefren and myself will take place Wednesday August 20th. So, you must act fast to be on the live call, and be among the first to implement Rich's strategies for "battening down the hatches" for monster profits in your business. We will also record this teleseminar for you and make it available to you because we know you'll definitely want this as a permanent resource. Grab The Recession Rescue System³ And Get Rich's Teleseminar Locked In On Your Calendar | "Bada Bing! That's one insane bonus! Harris, c'mon, trow in sometin' big... ya makin' us look bad ovah here." | | | OK, see, this is what I was afraid of... It's not a competition to see who can "out bonus" each other, Sal. The product stands on it's own, but I wasn't about to turn down Rich Schefren. Okay, look. I have to admit, Harris's "Codename Cataylst" would be an amazing addition. I know that many of the members have made tens of thousands of dollars per month following the fast money strategies. So, we'll add this one, but that's it! BONUS #2 Codename: CATALYST by Harris Fellman ($197 value) The easy-to-use ideas in this Digital Home Study Course are based on real-life examples Harris used in personally building his 12 Week Intensive and generating nearly $200,000 online with highly-responsive subscribers in less than 4 months time! Included in the Codename:CATALYST Training Program : - Harris Fellman's proprietary "2-Step JV Technique" that is the secret to getting high quality partners to build your list for you. Learn exactly how Harris "cracked the code" of creating Powerful Joint Venture Partnerships and the elements that you must ALWAYS builds into your JV offers for real results.
- What exactly does a website have to do with making money anyway? Why all of those fancy websites are just a waste of time and money. You can have a money-making wallet-opening subscriber-getting webpage up in a matter of hours.
- Little-Known Techniques that will teach you all about the "secret weapons" of great persuasion that Harris used to convince even the biggest names in the internet marketing industry to work with him as an unknown, unproven outsider.
- Stupid Simple Methods to build instant-rapport with your new subscribers, build an ongoing relationship, and quickly turning them from raving fans into hyper-responsive money-spending madmen (but the best part is -- they only buy what they want and you only sell what you believe in -- this is a 100% ethical business model).
- "The Fortune is in the Follow Up" - How Harris doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled sales with just 2 or three follow-up messages. .. what those messages contain ... and why a simple bonus is worthless - but the right bonus is priceless.
- Plus the Actual Emails, Research Tactics, Squeeze Pages and more used by Harris Fellman & Merlin Holmes to find and attract Mark Joyner, Tellman Knudson, Yanik Silver, Perry Marshall, Gary Halbert, Mike Filsaime, Tim Knox, Jay Conrad Levinson, Rosalind Gardner, and many other 'gurus' into building their list & lining their pocketbooks with cash faster than a tornado can pummel a cow into the side of a barn on a stormy Kansas morning.
- And Much More ... | This product, with the quick-reading, step-by-step manual and video tutorials is already the greatest "business in a box" you'll find anywhere - especially for $67... But, add these 2 bonuses and it's as close as you can get to legally stealing from us! Look, there's no use in pretending things will get better on their own. Searching for answers is only the first step... things can only improve once you take action. Right Now You're Standing At A Crossroads  Down one path is more of what you've been doing. Living every moment in fear of what will come next. Hoping against hope that change will come, but knowing deep down that it won't. It can't, because no action has been taken to create change. Down the other path is freedom. Freedom from all the stress, worry and uncertainty you face right now. It may not be a path you recognize, but it's real. Many others have walked down it - and are living rich lives today. But, you'll never know if you don't take that first step. Besides... You can find out if this is right for you with absolutely no risk! You've got a full 8 weeks to put this system into action. If you aren't making money by then, email me for an immediate refund and things can go back to the way are right now. No harm, no foul, no change. On the other hand... What if... You click the button below for access into the system... You open up the quick start guide... you put the first step into action... and... Just like that... in an instant... your life feels different. Hope moves back into the place where fear had taken over. There's a new energy running through you. Simply because you took action! You get a chill up your neck just reading the manual... you hit play on the videos and before you know it, you're scribbling notes like mad. You feel a rush of good vibration you haven't felt in years. It happens the moment you see how simple this business really is. Your skepticism fades, the possibilities become real... the money becomes tangible. This is exactly how it felt for so many others just like you. They all describe the energy as among the greatest feelings they've ever experienced. It's that giant sigh of relief in knowing there is a better way to earn money. And you really can live on your terms. Let me tell you... the first time you wake up to more money your bank account, money you didn't even expect... it's like magic! It's a moment you'll never forget. No marketer forgets that moment... It's the moment that changes your life for good. And you never look back. This system is designed to make that moment happen very quickly. And when it does, you'll know you've been given the greatest gift. You'll know you made it happen. You stood at that crossroads, and you took a step for change. That moment is yours right now with the simple push of a button. But it can only happen if you get started. The only risk is not trying. Yes, Shawn! I want instant access to the Recession Rescue System³ PLUS the exclusive Rich Schefren teleseminar and Harris Fellman's Codename: CATALYST. I'm ready to end my financial struggle and take my income to a whole new level... just by following the step-by-step instructions you lay out in the instant download manual. I understand I have nothing whatsoever to lose here, because I'm completely protected by your no-nonsense, all-my-money-back 8 week guarantee. It's an offer too generous and risk-free to pass up. So please give me full access right now...  Click Here To Order Now!Only $97 $67! (Limited Time Special Price) | To your ultimate success,  Shawn Casey Millionaire Marketer and Online Entrepreneur P.S. Recession Rescue System³ combines powerfully effective wealth-building methods from 3 of the Internet's richest marketing masters. We created this system to be easy enough for a child to use... but powerful enough to help you conquer any financial situation. Legions of smart marketers and freedom seekers have paid countless thousands of dollars to learn these moneymaking methods... the same methods Harris, Tellman and me use every day to create hords of money. We do it on our own schedules, from wherever we choose (I'm writing you now from the grill room at my exclusive country club), and we are passionate about our work. The life you dream about is very real for thousands of people just like you. All it takes is one click. Order Now! P.P.S. To make sure no one misses this chance to turn your financial life around and escape this nasty recession - and every recession that follows - I'm taking all the risk. You'll have immediate access to try the system out for 8 weeks. Follow the quick start guide, watch the videos and put the simple steps into action... And if for some reason the system doesn't make you money... send just one email with the words "refund" and you'll have your money back promptly. That's how confident I am that this system wil work for you. So, you're guaranteed nothing to lose by trying it out... or more of the same money problems if you don't. The choice is yours. Order Now! P.P.P.S. Don't forget about the exclusive teleseminar with Rich Schefren on August 20th. It's only available to RRS³ owners, and the information you learn on this call will skyrocket your business past even the most experienced marketers. Rich is the undisputed master at forecasting changes in buyer behavior. His private clients, including Fortune 500 companies and multi-millionaire guru marketers, pay Rich thousands just for an hour on the phone -- because he sees every problem, and can tell you how to implement solutions fast. Are there changes coming now for your business? Rich will tell you. And show you exactly how to protect yourself. But the only way to get on this exclusive teleseminar is to own Recession Rescue System³. Order Now! Privacy Policy | Terms Of Use | Support |