Greater Boston Walk Now for Autism
Sunday, October 19th, 2008
Suffolk Downs Race Track
Route 1A - East Boston
If you haven't already registered, please visit
A Fantastic Kick-Off
Thank you to all who attended the Greater Boston Walk Now for Autism Speaks Kick-off event at Cafe' Escadrille on August 7th. It was a phenomenal and truly inspiring evening. Special thanks go to our wonderful speakers: Mark Roithmayr, President of Autism Speaks; Congressman John Tierney, 6th District, Massachusetts; Dr. Timothy Buie, a pediatric gastroenterologist with the LADDERS Program at MassGeneral Hospital for Children and Jessica Wilson who is a mother, fundraiser and autism advocate. You can watch a video of Jessica's incredibly inspiring speech by clicking the link: HERE
Participant Information and Tools
If you have already registered for the Walk and have not yet received your Walker Welcome Packet, please visit HERE and click on the Fundraising Tools button. There you will find donation forms, participant and team captain guides, fundraising tips and more.
Have Fun with Your Fundraising - Raise $500 in just 5 days
Day 1:
Ask four family members to sponsor you with $25. Remind your brother of the time he drove your car and didn't fill up the gas tank.
Ask five friends to contribute $20 each. Promise never to drink red wine in their living room with new carpet again. Ever.
Day 2:
Ask five neighbors to contribute $10 each. Return the snow blower and tree trimmer you borrowed last year.
Day 3:
Ask five co-workers to contribute $10 each. If they refuse, jam the photocopier and volunteer to fix it… for a small fee.
Ask your boss for a $50 company contribution. (Or better yet, find out if your company will match what you raise!) Do nothing that will get you fired.
Day 4:
Ask five people from your hobby group or organization to pledge $10 each. You must be a part of this club/organization more than a week before asking for money. No hit and runs.
Day 5:
Ask four businesses that you frequent for a $25 donation each. Ask after your haircut, not before.
Congratulation to the TOP teams that have already raised $10,000 or more.
Teamsters Local 25 - captain Trish DiSilva
Katherine's Team - captain William Sansone
Courtney's Crew - captain Courtney Fredericks
Each of these team captains will receive 2 tickets to the game on the Red Sox Autism Awareness Day on September 9th AND participation in our on-field opening ceremony.
YOUR team can still win - We will select 2 more team captains to win the opportunity above. Just bring your team's fundraising total up to $10,000 or more by Friday, August 29th! The next TOP two team captains for the Greater Boston Walk will win. Check the Walk website to see who is in the lead:
We are proud to announce that Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) has partnered with Autism Speaks as a $50,000 Corporate Visionary Sponsor.
Visit DCU
Special offers below... please read on and please pass this e-mail along to your contacts / address book.
Raise your Fork to Help Families Affected by Autism
Uno Chicago Grill wants to curb your hunger and help Autism Speaks™ as they raise money August 30 - September 1. This Labor Day weekend, you are invited to dine in or out all day long at your area Uno Chicago Grill and have 20% of each bill (excluding tax and tip) donated to the Greater Boston Walk.
It’s simple, just print out the Uno Dough Rai$er™ voucher which can be found here:
and turn it in at the end of your meal.
Help spread the word - please pass this coupon along to friends and family by email. They can participate outside of Massachusetts as well. Participating markets include; Illinois, Massachusetts, Florida, Maryland, and the New York area.
Uno Chicago Grill Named "America's #1 Healthiest Chain Restaurant" by Health Magazine, and one of the ten "Best Family Restaurant Chains" by Parents Magazine. Uno Chicago Grill also offers a Gluten Free menu upon request.
Please click on the link below and print the voucher to take with you when you dine any time over Labor Day weekend. You can make copies and dine as often as you'd like and also share the vouchers with others.
A complete listing of participating locations can be found HERE.
Another Red Sox Fundraising Incentive
This is a big one... The number one individual fundraiser for the 2008 Greater Boston Walk Now for Autism as of 9:00 am on September 19th (exactly one month before the Walk) will get to throw out the first pitch at the Monday, September 22nd Red Sox game at Fenway Park. The winner will receive the first pitch ball engraved with their name, their name on the scoreboard, announcement of their presence on the field and 4 tickets to the game that night.
Community Outreach
Walk brochures, cardboard stand-up holders and colorful posters are now available. Please
e-mail us at if you would like any to post in your community. It would be wonderful to have people in all of the Greater Boston areas put Walk posters up in their favorite local spots, town library and public bulletin boards. Ask your dry cleaner, salon, grocery store or doctor's office if you may put up a posters or display some brochures.
Need help with local publicity? The staff and planning committee members for the Walk are happy to help you. Write a letter to your local newspaper with a "Why we walk" personal story. Contact us if you need examples or additional help getting the word out in your community. Call 617-924-1225 or e-mail
QUIZ: Name These Midwestern Animals
5 years ago