Image via Wikipedia
I spent a good deal of my day today researching opportunities for
people with disabilities. It is necessary for me to gain knowledge about what resources are available to businesses to train and hire persons with disabilities. I am in the early stages of creating a
business that is to become a place for persons with disabilities, to use their artistic skills to make a living either by working for another company or becoming Entrepreneurs and creating their own product or business. Along the way today I ran across some really great
web sites. I was very much taken with this particular web site called
"Able and Willing" an untapped pool of talent. There are some wonderful stories about mentoring and
internships. It gives me hope when I found people willing to make the world a better place for those with disabilities. Check out the video on that site, it's really inspirational.
Persons whose disabilities are not visible are finding it so difficult,
STILL to be around people in the workplace that don't treat them as peers. It is really important to help all people find
employment and the more resources we offer to employees and employers that accommodate and accept everyone, the closer we are to accepting all people as equals across the board. Too many people are wasting their time on the business of others and not paying attention to what is going on around them. These are the "kind" of people that are unaware how difficult, but awe inspiring, it is to see someone with a disability maintain job performance equal to theirs. We all must learn to become more aware of what is around us and to become more accepting of everyone.