| A Mental Health Care System in Crisis  Our mental health care system is in a state of emergency. Your secure, online gift to NAMI will allow us to continue to fight for people living with mental illness and their families. Last month NAMI released its Grading the States 2009 report, a state-by-state assessment of the nation's public mental health care system for adults. The national average grade was a D. This is unacceptable in times of plenty and disastrous in the current economic environment. Thus far, Grading the States 2009 has reached over 40 million people through television and radio alone. The coverage of NAMI's findings has been widespread and swift: " ... we've made some progress... But it's a C. Nobody wants to be just average. " ~ Virginia State Official CNN: "The nation does a poor job in the ways it serves its mentally ill population, earning a D, according to a report card issued Wednesday by an advocacy group." USA Today: "Even if lower-income people seek counseling for recession-related stress, they may have to wait a long time or never get help, says a report on public mental-health services out Wednesday..." The Miami Herald: "The National Alliance of Mental Illness just issued a report giving Florida a D grade for its mental healthcare system... Gov. Charlie Crist said the mediocre grade is a call to action."  Florida Gov. Charlie Crist was candidly informed of his state's poor performance in NAMI's report A reporter from The Miami Herald handed Florida Governor Charlie Crist a copy of the report after he was asked about the state's D grade. Crist seemed stunned by the grade, but said that he would like to improve. Watch the candid exchange on the Grading the States 2009 Web site. Your donations will enable NAMI to continue working for reform in each state's mental health care system, so that every person with mental illness receives the best care possible. | |
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| National Alliance on Mental Illness 2107 Wilson Blvd. ~ Suite 300 Arlington, VA 22201 For fastest unsubscribe results follow these instructions: 1.) Log in to your NAMI.org account by clicking here 2.) Select "mySubscriptions" from the tabs underneath the "myNAMI" graphic 3.) Uncheck the box next to "I would like to receive general e-mail updates from NAMI" 4.) Click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page 5.) You will then be unsubscribed immediately If you were unable to complete the fast unsubscribe, please email: webmaster@nami.org Please do not reply to this email (it will go to an unattended mailbox.) If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about this email, please send an email to webmaster@nami.org. | |
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