Back-to-School Appeal for Families Living with AutismRecently I emailed you the link to sample forms you can use to communicate between home and school. I’ve found such forms to be very helpful in smoothing the back-to-school transition for my own son with autism.
The Autism Society has provided people like you and me with invaluable services over the years, but they need our continued financial support. Your urgently needed gift during our Back-to-School Appeal will help us provide services for families living with autism and advocate for issues that affect students with autism.
Your gift now before our important Appeal ends on September 18th will also help us bring about more early autism identification for all children at 12, 18 and 24 months so that they can get appropriate treatments and support in the crucial early years.
Just as vital, your Back-to-School gift will also help us support teachers and schools through autism curricula and trainings that we hold all over America every year.
Please reaffirm your support to provide the help and hope that is so desperately needed by families living with autism during back-to-school time and all year round. Thank you!
Marguerite Kirst Colston
Vice President, Constituent Relations
Mother of a son with autism  |
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